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50 Marketing Quotes to inspire your Black Friday Strategy

Marketing quotes for every business!

marketing quotes

As the year goes by, Black Friday and Cyber Monday come closer. And if you have not thought of a marketing strategy yet, this is the perfect time to do it. Preparing ahead of time for these holidays can give you an edge over your competitors and will ensure sales not only for these two days, but also for the holiday season.

Below, you will find 50 marketing quotes that will help you get inspired to create the perfect marketing strategy for your business during these busy days. Try sharing them with your team and get them motivated too! The better performance your team can provide during regular season, the bette results they will deliver during high-peak season.

50 Marketing Quotes

1. "Content marketing is all the marketing that's left." - Seth Godin

2. "You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new." - Steve Jobs

3. "Increasingly, customers are associating brand not with a message but with their entire experience surrounding the product or service." - Bryan Eisenberg

4. "What you prefer or what your designer prefers doesn't matter if it's not getting you conversions." - Naomi Niles

5. "SEO is a marketing function for sure, but it needs to be baked into a product, not slapped on like icing after the cake is baked." - Duane Forrester

marketing quotes

6. "Marketing wants 'Mr. Right' but Sales but wants 'Mr. Right Now'." - Anonymous

7. "10x content—content that performs 10 times better than competitors—must be mobile first." - Adam Monago

8. "Content is fire, social media is gasoline." - Jay Baer

9. "Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department." - David Packard

10. "Money coming in says I've made the right marketing decisions." - Adam Osborne

11. "Content Marketing is no longer a numbers game. It's a game of relevance." - Jason Miller

12. "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

13. "Marketers have to stop reporting on activities and start reporting on business outcomes." - Allen Gannett

14. "Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first." - Wendy Piersall

15. "Inspiration is difficult to measure, but the results driven by that inspiration are powerful." - Scott Harrison

marketing quotes

16. "People spend money when and where they feel good." - Walt Disney

17. "Before you create any more 'great content,' figure out how you are going to market it first." - Joe Pulizzi

18. "Content is king, but distribution is queen. And she wears the pants." - Jonathan Perelman

19. "Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance." - Coco Chanel

20. "If you are an artist, learn science. If you are a scientist, cultivate art." - Karin Timpone

21. "Content should ask people to do something and reward them for it." - Lee Odden

22. "Everyone is not your customer." - Seth Godin

23. "An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail." - Edwin Land

24. "If you're a good marketing person, you have to be a little crazy." - Jim Metcalf

25. "The importance of gratitude is never forgotten." - Deborah Lee

marketing quotes

26. "You can't just place a few 'Buy' buttons on your website and expect your visitors to buy." - Neil Patel

27. "Behind every piece of bad content is an executive who asked for it." - Michael Brenner

28. "Content is the atomic particle of all digital marketing." - Rebecca Lieb

29. "Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone." - Anonymous

30. "Don't settle. Don't finish crappy books. If you don't like the menu, leave the restaurant. If you're not on the right path, get off it." - Chris Brogan

31. "Good content isn't about good storytelling. It's about telling a true story well." - Ann Handley

32. "Find your spirit, and no challenge will keep you from achieving your goals." - Christopher Penn

33. "Don't bunt. Aim out of the park. Aim for the company of immortals." - David Ogilvy

34. "Whether B2B or B2C, I believe passionately that good marketing essentials are the same. We all are emotional beings looking for relevance, context, and connection." - Beth Comstock

35. "Incorporate easy email marketing strategies with your Facebook efforts to see bigger results (aka profits!)." - Amy Porterfield

marketing quotes

36. "Be where the world is going." - Beth Comstock

37. "Content: there is no easy button." - Scott Abel

38. "Content is the key, because it's how a website creates an online experience." - Adam Audette

39. "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." - Henry Ford

40. "Not viewing your email marketing as content is a mistake." - Chris Baggott

41. "Engaging content is far more about brains than budget." - Ann Handley

42. "Instead of using technology to automate processes, think about using technology to enhance human interaction." - Tony Zambito

43. "What is quality content? Ultimately, the consumer decides." - Joe Chernov

44. "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new." - Socrates

45. "The things we perceive as creative brilliance are often a product of a system." - Allen Gannett

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46. "Our digital future is about enabling better productivity and decision-making to enjoy a better quality of life." - Yacine Baroudi

47. "Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue." - Andrew Davis

48. "Content marketing is a commitment, not a campaign." - Jon Buscall

49. "Search, a marketing method that didn't exist a decade ago, provides the most efficient and inexpensive way for businesses to find leads." - John Battelle

50. "If your content isn't driving conversation, you're doing it wrong." - Dan Roth


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